Just in case you don't get a chance to read through the comments on Rev. Sheets' claim that the Bible has foretold the coming of Sarah Palin, I've printed a few of juicier pieces below.
Welcome to Sarah Palin's world:
The Comments
I have, like countless numbers of people, many thoughts about Sarah Palin’s nomination to be VP, but I will only make a comment regarding the mainstream media’s treatment of her. It has been cruel, vicious, and for the most part, venomous. One can almost hear the cries of “Crucify her! Crucify her!” (Sound familiar?) I believe the reason for this is simple. Sarah Palin carries the anointing of Yahweh, God Almighty, and the ungodly hate that. Darkness despises the light.
It has been asked if Sarah Palin is another Esther. I think she has the opportunity to be greater than Esther. She can, by the anointing, be a key part in the shaping of the history of our country, this world, and the Kingdom of God.
When I heard Sara’s speech I was convinced, when I heard McCains “testimony” I was moved, I think her pro life example, her professional experience as a Govenor, and now what I know is God’s annointing because God’s Grace is on the USA. Our term is extended with Sara Palin in office! I will be praying for this word to manifest according to HIS will.
A cousin called to turn on the TV as the announcement was being made by Sen. John McCain. I laid hands on the set and cried. I believe God said to me: “She’s your last chance for this nation to rise again”. I believe He was speaking to us as the body of Christ.
We believe that Sarah Palin is going to be used by God to be stuck in the “craw” of the conscience of liberal America, especially when it comes to the abortion issue. Truly 2Chron. 7:14 is coming to pass!….A “suddenly” has burst on the scene and our prayers are vital!
I do not usually watch the garbage on TV regarding the election, or anything else for that matter. I find it all to be what the “world” wants us to hear and the Enemy is exhaulted in just about everything you hear. So I did not watch the coverage when McCain made his announcement.
I did however see her (Palin's) picture on the front page of Yahoo as I was logging in to check my email. My spirit lept inside me as I noticed the Glow about her. I knew then that this was the one God has chosen to take the helm and take our country into the path that is should have been in all along. God has heard our cries and he will answer our prayers.
Thank you Jesus! Thank you Lord! Hallelujah!
McCain has been put through the fire and withstood the crusible; his character has been honed and he has been humbled to be used of God. The Lord has provided a helper and will accomplish His will through them.
When John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate an excitement and thrill welled up on the inside of me. I believe it was the Holy Spirit shouting confirmation that Sarah Palin is annointed to lead this country into God’s blessing. She is going to raise a standard that has not been seen here before and that will change the destiny of our nation.
I believe that George Bush deserves honor and respect for keeping our country safe from terrorism and for being a just and courageous leader but that God is going to use Sarah Palin to bring us to a whole new, higher, level of influence and blessing as a nation. God bless the United States of America and it’s leaders for surely He isn’t finished with us yet.
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